Conditions We May Help
Conditions That May Be Helped by Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Some of the Body Pain Signals that indicate body imbalance and 'brain stem' compression are as follows:
Nervous Tension | Numbness | Muscle Spasms |
Arm Pain | Sinus Problems | Lower Back Pain |
Loss of Sleep | Allergies | Knee Pain |
Fatigue | Asthma | Nervousness |
Hip Pain | Seizures | Shoulder Pain |
Headaches | Depression | Hypertension |
Stiffness | Chronic Infection | Back Pain |
TMJ Problems | Child Development and Learning Problems | Back Pain |
Misalignment of the top two neck vertebrae can block the communication between your brain and body causing pain, stress, and tension. This stress and tension can affect all physical and even mental activity of the body.
Many symptoms can be relieved by correction of the upper neck misalignment.
We have had positive results with the following conditions:
Arthritis | Chronic fatigue syndrome | Migraines and other headaches |
Asthma | Chronic pain or stress | Multiple Sclerosis |
Athletic and auto injuries | Bed wetting | Infertility |
Depression | Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD) | Neck and back pain |
Herniated discs | Sciatica | High blood pressure |
Scoliosis | Carpal tunnel syndrome | Seizures, including Epileptic |
Cerebral Palsy | Leg numbness | Dizziness and Vertigo |
Sinus and allergy problems | Trigeminal neuralgia | Arm and hand numbness |
Tourette's syndrome | Dizziness and Vertigo | Nervous Tics |